


We look forward to extending a very warm welcome to our church family members, visitors and, of course, holiday-makers at our informal and lively Sunday Worship & Word meetings at 10.30am each week.


We enjoy fellowship, tea and coffee after the meetings in our indoor café area.  Our Bring and Share lunches are (usually) on the first Sunday of each month and pre-meeting Breakfasts are (usually) at 9.30am on the third Sunday.   Please sign up in advance for the latter and note we would appreciate a £2 donation towards catering costs.  (These meal Sundays are reversed in December only so that we can have a special lunch near to Christmas Day.


For details of our regular weekly events please read our monthly Notices sheet, listen to the announcements on Sundays, see our WhatsApp group announcements, or check out our Facebook page for updates.


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Meeting Times

  • SUNDAY 10.30am
    Worship Meeting
  • MON 10am
    The Hub &/or Outreach
  • MON 11.15am
    Leadership Team Meeting
  • WED 1.30pm
    Life Group
  • FRI 10am
  • SAT 10am (monthly)
    Flamin’ Ladies

Click on “AUDIO” to listen to the latest Sunday Sermons from our own Preachers or Guest Speakers.


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